”I Cure Different Types Of Human Infections And Diseases Using Natural Roots And Herbs. My major areas of concentration are Sexually transmitted infections (STI), also referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and venereal diseases (VD) like;.” such as ;
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Herbal medicine has its origins in ancient cultures. It involves the medicinal use of plants to treat disease and enhance general health and well being.
Ease arthritis, a heaping helping of curry could relieve your pain. That’s because turmeric, a spice used in curry, contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory
Boosts the immune system and aids the body in fighting infection. It is used to treat ailments such as boils, fever and herpes. Echinacea is under
Lower blood sugar, taking cinnamon extract daily successfully reduced blood sugar by about 10%. Also, cinnamon packs a one-two punch for people with type 2 diabetes by reducing related heart risks.
It is used for treating joint pain, bladder and gastrointestinal problems, fever, leg cramps, and other conditions. Its seeds, leaves, bark, and flowers have been used for centuries.
It helps in weight lose, combating oxidative stress, a good source of protein, fighting inflammation, lowering blood sugar level, supporting cardiovascular health, providing energy and enhancing muscle performance.